Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A slight correction..........

My first attempt at soap-making was not the bar of cold processed soap that I mentioned in my earlier post, but was laundry soap.

Laundry Soap

One of the very first websites that I came across was Rhonda's fantastic site on not just soap making but a lot more. And there I learnt how to make laundry soap. I was really thrilled at the end product. Not only did it do a good job of cleaning my clothes, but it was a lot less expensive than the commercially bought ones. I chose to make the liquid version since we have hard water and I wasn't sure if the powder would effectively dissolve. The washing soda did help soften my water. How do I know? Because my clothes stopped having that dingy grey look, especially the whites.Since I had not yet begun to make my own soap, I had to rely on Sunlight, which middle class India has long forgotten what with all the Surf, Tide, Ariel invading the market. My first batch of 6 ltrs lasted me a month and a half. I have a larger capacity front loader and needed a bit extra. I was also a bit unsure of the cleaning properties, so would invariably put more than necessary for each wash cycle. I am currrently into my second batch of laundry soap.  My recipe is as follows:

Laundry Soap
1 cup of grated Sunlight
1 cup of washing soda
8 ltrs of distilled or filtered water

I heat 1 1/2 ltrs from the 8 ltrs of the water and add my grated soap gradually till it is completely dissolved. Do not over cook it as it will begin to coagulate. Turn off the heat source and add the washing soda and mix it with a whisk till it is all well mixed up. Pour this mixture into a bucket which contains the balance 6 1/2 ltrs of water and mix thoroughly. You can add any essential oil now or leave it as is. I add about 10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil for its anti-bacterial properties and of course its woody scent and 10 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil. Allow it to sit overnight, covered. The next day it would have gelled up, which is normal. Again, whisk it thoroughly and pour into your storage jars. If your bucket has a lid, then you can leave it in the bucket and use it from there. It will have the consistency of a thin pudding. Normally, 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup per load works just fine. Whilst Rhonda's recipe calls for a cup of Borax as a fabric whitener, I have had problems finding them in any of the stores here. Will continue to search for it and see if it makes a difference to the wash. So, there you have it my first attempt at soap. The earlier post was my second attempt. Hopefully, my next batch of laundry soap will be out of my handmade soap which I have just made with 0% superfat...........

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